“Only those are fit to live who do not fear to die; and none are fit to die who have shrunk from the joy of life and the duty of life. Both life and death are parts of the same Great Adventure.”

Theodore Roosevelt


Erik Prince is an entrepreneur, private investor, and thought leader on military reform. He founded Blackwater Worldwide, an integrated private military corporation, after active service as a US Navy SEAL.

Mr. Prince also founded Presidential Airways, a global transportation company with over 75 aircraft operating in emerging markets. After selling Blackwater, he founded Frontier Resource Group, a private equity firm focused on natural resource projects and manufacturing.




Erik Prince is an entrepreneur, private investor, and thought leader on military reform. He founded Blackwater Worldwide, an integrated private military corporation, after active service as a US Navy SEAL.

Mr. Prince also founded Presidential Airways, a global transportation company with over 75 aircraft operating in emerging markets. After selling Blackwater, he founded Frontier Resource Group, a private equity firm focused on natural resource projects and manufacturing.




Join the Blackwater founder and former Navy SEAL as he analyzes the most important geopolitical issues of the day. With unparalleled access and insight to the world of battlefield intelligence and tactics, Erik brings a unique and invaluable perspective to today’s increasingly volatile world.

Is Iran’s Aggression a Sign of Weakness?

Emboldened by the appeasement of the Biden administration, Iran is more brazenly aggressive than ever before. Erik Prince offers his expert assessment of the recent exchanges of drone and missile attacks between Israel and Iran and answers the most pressing questions, including: Why didn’t the situation escalate to all-out war? What’s going to happen next? What does it mean for the U.S.? How is it going to affect the price of oil? What will Iran do next?

Erik breaks down America’s role in the conflict, Iran’s strategic decision-making, and Israel’s diplomatic constraints.

Is Iran’s Aggression a Sign of Weakness?

Is Iran’s Aggression a Sign of Weakness?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYXxyK70W_4 Emboldened by the appeasement of the Biden administration, Iran is more brazenly aggressive than ever before. Erik Prince offers his expert assessment of the recent exchanges of drone and missile attacks between Israel and...

The Uniparty Gets its Way on Foreign Aid, Domestic Spying

The Uniparty Gets its Way on Foreign Aid, Domestic Spying

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA73nuBSZZg The political elites are once again manipulating public policy for their own gain while hanging American taxpayers out to dry, with Speaker Mike Johnson ramming through $95 billion in new foreign aid spending with the help...

Drones are Dominating the Battlefield, and America Should be Worried

Drones are Dominating the Battlefield, and America Should be Worried

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2wZctmpH9o The era of drone warfare has officially begun, and it’s revolutionizing the battlefield. America no longer has a monopoly on drone technology, and the U.S. Military needs to take notice. Russia recently launched the world’s...

Energy Markets Roiled by American Capitulation under Biden

Energy Markets Roiled by American Capitulation under Biden

https://youtu.be/KUaqGDy_kpY As it was in the mid- to late-1970s, America is submissive to world energy markets once again. Prices were at $53 per barrel on Donald Trump’s last day in office and are rising fast to $90 or above. Economies around the world are roiled by...


Our team of experienced operators support a comprehensive spectrum of security, training, and advisory services.

Civilian Warriors

Civilian Warriors tells the true story of the United States’ most controversial military contractor.

In 1997, Mr. Prince founded a business to train law enforcement and special operations personnel. After 9-11 that capability grew into the full spectrum of recruiting vetting training and deploying high caliber personnel for some of the riskiest jobs in the world. As Blackwater’s unparalleled services became well-known in the private military space, demand for its services escalated. Under Mr. Prince’s leadership, Blackwater completed nearly 100,000 missions for the Bush and Obama Administrations and never lost a protectee in Iraq or Afghanistan.



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